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Re: Demand loading

From: "Joel N. Weber II" <>
Date: 	Sun, 13 Jul 1997 02:05:07 -0400

   Date: 	Sun, 13 Jul 1997 15:43:48 +1000 (EST)
   From: David Murn <>
   X-Sender: scuffer@grunge.hpy.hell

   One idea, which might be a bit stupid, but anyway..

No, I don't think it is stupid.

   If we have a segment set aside, somewhere in memory.  After the kernel
   starts up, it loads libc into that segment.  When a program needs a
   function, say it needs 'open()', it can find the offset of that code,
   being in the libc segment.  Jump to that code, and then return.

It's a nice simple long jump.  You can probably do it in such a way
that the code in the functions can change without recompiling every
program linked against libc.

The part that makes it hard is that libc really ought to be able to
get some space for its global variables in the DS that the program used.
I suppose having hte space allocated at run time might work, if you
pass a start address to the library entry point, although it makes
access to library globals slow.

Let me know if the above is incoherent.

   Or, another idea I had, if, as we load the program in, we load the
   functions we want from the libs.  So when the kernel loads a program in,
   say if it sees some opcode there then it'll expect some sortof pointer of
   where to load the function code from the library.

It would be easier to load the whole library, I think.

That explaination isn't quite clear.

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