To: (Jorge Gonzalez) Cc:, From: (Alan Cox) Date: Sun, 13 Jul 1997 20:12:02 +0100 (BST) Newsgroups: > : Actually the program needn't call an interrupt, just a kernel function or > : syscall, telling the kernel (or sash?) loader part to load to the next tag. > No!!! Please, not again!!! Micro$pit already made this mistake by putting in > COMMAND.COM code which should have belonged to the kernel. Let's not make There are three places you can put code o User program o Libc o Kernel If doing most of execve() makes sense to be done in libc, then do it in libc. A user program won't know. POSIX in fact goes out of its way to allow for posix calls to actually be library not kernel calls
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