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Re: Demand loading

To: (Linux-8086 List)
From: "Eric J. Korpela" <korpela@ssl.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: 	Sun, 13 Jul 1997 13:50:23 -0700 (PDT)

> About those dynamic libs, couldn't we put some sort of tag in the binary, 
> placed by the compiler, telling the loader to load up to here, then, when 
> some interrupt or whatever is issued, load to the next tag, using the 
> same address space - voila, demand loading.

I once implemented something similar to this by making the shared
library calls into interrupts.  The interrrupt handler kept track of
what parts of the ``library'' were in memory, and which had been removed
or paged to EMS.  When a library was loaded (at program start), each routine 
in the library was assigned an ordinal number.  A function call became an
interrupt, with AX containing the ordinal number.  The interrupt routine
then made sure the routine was loaded and executed the proper function.   

There were some problems with this method.  It greatly increased program
startup time (as the functions were loaded the first time they were called).  
(Preloading libraries into EMS greatly alleviated this problem, as did 
increasing the minimum load size and properly sizing the spacing between the
routines on disk).  The calling convention is quite untradiational, too.
(You'd need to rewrite your C compiler and "ld" to support it).

Given what we were doing, the large code space was worth the effort.  If
we only could have done somthing similar for data space.  (Well, we could
have used an interrupt to access memory, but that seemed extreme. An ordinal
number rather than a pointer for every data object? Pointer math would be
crazy (at least crazier))


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