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Holidays "02

Please send a copy of your Winter Solstice that everyone is talking

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From: bea miner <http://www.yahoo.com/~beaminer>
To: Margaret <http://www.juno.com/~margaretch>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 14:01:35 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <20021228220135.29388.http://www.web40704.mail.yahoo.com/~qmail>

Dear Margaret,
    Jan said she talked to you on Xmas.  How're yo'all
doing with Richard's enforced leisure.  Received long,
long e-mail from Robert which I enjoyed, but no news
of you guys.  I know it'll be good to have Flora back
home.  If we have a war, it'll be a catastrophy!
    I assume you've heard about Helen's diagnosis. 
Today Irene told me Hospice moved in a hospital bed
and necessary medicines (she's living with Colleen).
    Received a fine note from Ted Cate.  He must be a
poet as well as a painter.
    I'm finally back to normal as far as thyroid is
concerned.  Would love to travel to NH.  Susan and
maybe Chuck plan to go.  We'll see how things go.
     Jan & Caleb along with his brother & family, his
sister & family and Jennie & family have 2 cottages on
the Gulf Coast for 4 days.  They leave tomorrow.  I
get to feed the dogs.  Bob Miner has to have a second
procedure to drain fluid from a lung on Monday.  A
dark spot behind the fluid will be analyzed.
                              Love,      Bea

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