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Re: MA Turnpike FastLane transponder

--- Forwarded mail from "Zipcar Member Services" <http://www.zipcar.com/~info>

Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 08:55:50 -0500
Message-ID: <278A2596B41B4B4DB9391670F951DD207552EE@zipcar1.boston.zipcar.com>
From: "Zipcar Member Services" <http://www.zipcar.com/~info>

Hi Robert,

Thanks for writing.  Our experience with Fast Lane in Ma is
that you must register  a specific car with your Fast Lane account.
Zipcar members using Fast Lane transponders have receive $50 tickets
which are charged to their account.

Zipcar Member Services
Zipcar. wheels when you want them TM=20
866-4-Zipcar (866-494-7227) Tel
617-995-4300 fax
675 Ma Ave., 9th floor
Cambridge MA 02139

-----Original Message-----
From: robert [http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 12:27 PM
To: Zipcar Member Services; Robin M. Chase

Hi.  We used to have a car.  I was told that we could use the FastLane
transponder with any car, including a ZipCar car.  Do you know if this
is true?


--- End of forwarded message from "Zipcar Member Services" <http://www.zipcar.com/~info>

Why do you want this page removed?