Welcome to the BPPP experiment main site.Welcome to the main site for the Building Pleasing Productive Partnerships (BPPP) experiment, which is being run by Dan Cosley and Loren Terveen of the GroupLens Research Group at the University of Minnesota.
Note that the experiment requires that you are using a Java-enabled web browser. If you do not have Java, you will not be able to participate in the experiment. Also, some of the questions you will be asked are U.S.-centric. Upcoming scheduled times for the experiment...Note that these times are planned, but not guaranteed.
Please be registered at least 5 minutes before the game starts, so that you have time to play the practice version. We can send you a reminder e-mail for one of these games if you'd like. You can go directly to the start page for the experiment by going to this URL:http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~cosley/ffgame/php/login-page.php Top scoresThis is the website of the Building Pleasing Productive Partnerships (BPPP) Experiment, being run by Dan Cosley and Loren Terveen of the GroupLens Research Group in the Computer Science Department of the University of Minnesota. [Return to the main page] |