Thanks for all the updates! I'm surprised that the State Street Bank is really such a poor commute -- isn't it in downtown Boston? Anyway, again, if you hear of any Unix/Linux jobs, give me a holler! > From: Jonathan Beit-Aharon <> > Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 23:14:59 -0800 > > > Hi Robert! > > I'm employed these days at State Street Bank (which is neither on State > Street, nor is a Bank :-) so I don't qualify for this survey. > > Unlike links_2_go, the economic downturn entirely quieted our business, so I > absolutely had to get an outside job, and I'm making about 1/3 of what I > was making working independently at JCM (about 3/4 of what I was making at > links_2_go). It is a long commute, low pay, and work I could do in my sleep, > but it is absolutely better for me mentally, because I was very close to > sinking into serious depression looking for work and not finding it. I had > only two interviews in the year following the September 11 attack. Only > now (last week) did we again hear from one of the leads that seemed so hot > back in September 2001. An inquiry with our s/w maintenance business must > mean the economy is about to turn... unless there's a war. Having been in > battle, I can only feel sorry for the poor boobs who volunteered to a > peace-time military only to be sent far to endanger their lives for the > sake of Oil-men's wealth. > > Well, if America goes for a Bush, we get fire and no heat, which is pretty > awful in a cold winter, just as it was on a cold desert night a few > thousand years ago, and boy do we need god to intervene! > > Here we're mostly busy missing my oldest boy, who is away at college, and > encouraging my second boy, who is a sophomore in high school, and hates the > extraneous volume of home-work he is given. My daughter Miriam is back > with gymnastics after 4 months break, recovering from 3 fractured bones > (she accidentally tilted a 360 pound cement block onto her foot). > > Best of luck and lots of patience, > Jonathan