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damn, I can't make $100

--- Forwarded mail from <http://www.DesignPerspectives.com/~rperkins>

From: "Ron Perkins" <http://www.DesignPerspectives.com/~rperkins>
Subject: ACM Digital Library Usability Study, Feb 24-27, Please Participate
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 11:40:59 -0500
Message-ID: <http://www.DesignPerspectives.com/~JMEKLEFNDOMALEPLFEMKOEAEEBAA.rperkins>

My name is Ron Perkins.  I am contacting you on behalf of the ACM
(Association for Computing Machinery) regarding a usability study that we're
running for them.  ACM is very interested in your reactions to their Digital
Library for Computing Literature. Results of the study will affect future
versions of the software. We'd like you to participate. (ACM gave us a list
of local members to contact, including you.)

We are looking for both experienced and inexperienced researchers for the
study, which involves one-on-one interviews where you use the software and
describe your reactions to it. It will be held at the MIT Hotel in Cambridge
on February 24-27.  Participants will be paid  $100 for a 75-90 minute

If you are interested, please complete this 3-minute survey and respond by
Friday February 14.  We will select participants on Tuesday, Feb. 18 and you
will hear from us about your status.  Early responses will get priority.
Late responses will be considered for alternates.

We're conducting this study for research purposes only. You won't receive
any sales or marketing follow-up.

1. Would you like to participate in this study?
[  ] Yes
[  ] No,  but I would consider future opportunities
[  ] No, please take me off the list and do not bother me again.

2. What is your occupation please:

3. What is your relationship, if any, to the ACM?  (We are looking for
people in all categories, check all that apply)
[  ] None

[  ] I have a free web account for limited searches at  www.acm.org
[  ] I am a member of the ACM and pay for it myself
[  ] I am a member of the ACM and my institution pays for it

[  ] I subscribe to the Digital Library and pay for it myself
[  ] My institution gets the Digital Library

4. Do you have any current computer-science research interests? These can be
for school, work or personal interest.
[  ] No (Sorry, you cannot participate in this study)
[  ] Yes, For my job in general
[  ] Yes. Other_________________

[  ] If Yes. Please describe briefly

5. What will be the result of your research?
        [  ] Use in a work project
        [  ] Commercial publication
        [  ] Academic coursework (student)
        [  ] Academic publication (within or outside your organization)
        [  ] Other_________________________________
        [  ] None, I am researching for my information only

6. What free resources do you currently use for research?  Check as many as
[  ] General Internet Search Engine (Yahoo, etc.)

[  ] Google
[  ] CiteSeer/ResearchIndex
[  ] Others_________________________________
[  ] I do not use any free sources

7. What paid resources do you currently use for research?  Check as many as
 [  ] Internet based Search Application
 [  ] Corporate or Academic Library
 [  ] Paid online service
 [  ] Other_________________________________
 [  ] I do not use any paid sources

8. Overall, approximately how much time have you spent using the ACM Digital
Library to date?  (We are looking for people in all categories)
[  ] I have never used it
[  ] Less than 2 hours
[  ] more than 2 hours
[  ] More than 10 hours
[  ] More than 15 hours

9. Within the last 30 days, how many times have you used the ACM Digital
[  ] I have never used it
[  ] Less than 2 times
[  ] More than 2 times
[  ] More than 5 times
[  ] More than 10 times
[  ] More than 15 times

10. What parts of ACM Digital Library, if any, do you frequently use? (Check
all that apply)
 [  ] None in particular
 [  ] Table of Contents Alerts
 [  ] Digital Library Search
 [  ] Digital Library browse
 [  ] ACM Guide Search
 [  ] ACM Guide browse
 [  ] Advanced Search
 [  ] Binders
 [  ] Online Research Librarian Tool
 [  ] Robot Filter

What are all of the time slots that you may be available for?
Please pick any number of time slots and we will confirm for you.

Monday February 24th        [  ] 9:00 AM    [  ] 10:30 AM    [  ] 12:00 PM
[  ]  2:00 PM    [  ] 3:30 PM

Tuesday, February 25th        [  ] 9:00 AM    [  ] 10:30 AM    [  ] 12:00 PM
[  ]  2:00 PM    [  ] 3:30 PM

Wednesday, February 26th    [  ] 9:00 AM    [  ] 10:30 AM    [  ] 12:00 PM
[  ]  2:00 PM    [  ] 3:30 PM

Thursday February 27th      [  ] 9:00 AM    [  ] 10:30 AM    [  ] 12:00 PM
[  ]  2:00 PM    [  ] 3:30 PM

[  ] The times don't work for me but I would still be interested in future
[  ] I have flexible time and would consider being a floater.  (this would
mean being available and waiting at the hotel for 2 or 3 of the time slots
more compensation)

Thank you very much for your time today, we look forward to speaking with
you about this study.  We may call you to confirm and may ask a few more

How can we reach you between February 14th and 18th for a few more
Phone: __________________________
Times to call: ____________________

If you are selected you will be contacted before 5pm, February 18th , by
phone or email.

Thank you,
Ron Perkins

Ron Perkins, Principal
Usability and Design Consulting

--- End of forwarded message from <http://www.DesignPerspectives.com/~rperkins>

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