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Re: Samsung SM-308 CD writer

 > From: "bhavani" <http://www.adelphia.net/~bhavani>
 > Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 22:27:58 -0500
 > Hi Robert,
 > What kind of oil was used in the Toyota?  I want to have Marnie stick with
 > the same oil.

A rich mix of Mobil-1 and plain oil.  I don't think it really matters
'cause it's changed so often over these years.  (Noelle took the car in to
get it changed at a local place before I had the opportunity to buy more

 > I don't have any thoughts on the CD writer.  I'm glad you at least got it to
 > do something.

Yeah.  I have some ideas I'm going to try today.

 > We have to get a couch from across town this weekend.


 > Talk to you later.
 > ME

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