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Netslaves - Introducing The Recruiter Hall Of Shame

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Home > Current Events > Recuiter Hall of Shame > Introducing The Recruiter Hall Of Shame

alansmith | Recuiter Hall of Shame

Introducing The Recruiter Hall Of Shame

By alansmith | 573 Page Views
Posted 3/18/2003

Related Links
 border= ExecCareer.com
A website documentating many of the job scams.
 border= National Fraud Information Center
With the no sign of an economic turnaround and the job market in shambles, job seekers have gotten so desperate that they've turned to a new breed of scamsters calling themselves "career marketers." While the term may not sound familiar, chances are you've run across them without knowing it.

Like so many mushrooms around a dead tree, career marketers lure unsuspecting job seekers into their offices with job listings then turn around and promise guaranteed '$50K to $500K' and '$75K to $750K' executive and professional positions for an up front one-time non-refundable fee of $5K to $30K depending on the options you choose and how much you make.

Many frantic job seekers take them up on this promise envisioning that their days of job searching will be over once they pay this fee. If they can start on a new job within 45 to 90 days as promised, the cost of the fee can be easily recovered in a month's salary.

Unfortunately there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. Once the career marketers have your money, their interest in you diminishes as fast as the bubbles in a glass of Alka Seltzer. You are channeled into the regular routine of updating your resume, squeezing a mailing list out of a Dun & Bradstreet database based on your area of expertise, doing a mass mailing, and waiting for six months for something to happen before realizing that you have been had.

Who are the culprits? How do they work exactly? What can be done about them?

This column is an adjunct to the web site www.execcareer.com [site] which I started one year ago to cover one such company that scammed me. The web site now features 45 such companies nationwide, brought to my attention by job seekers who were scammed by them.

The web site is designed to warn job seekers about these companies and shows up on Google and other search engines whenever a job seeker types in the name of one of these companies. No such warning existed when I was scammed. It also contains secure discussion boards which were started earlier this year so victimized job seekers could plan how to get their money back and how to publicize the misdeeds of these companies. There are also links to many recently published articles about career marketing in national magazines and newspapers.

This column which will be published every Tuesday will feature the latest news on career marketing scams as well as the best ways to search for a job in these difficult times.

Reader input is appreciated and will be incorporated into future columns. You can contact me directly if you like at http://www.yahoo.com/~alansmithns.

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