--- Forwarded mail from http://www.aol.com/~Ohcory From: http://www.aol.com/~Ohcory Message-ID: <163.1f325d57.2bd495dd@aol.com> Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 20:31:25 EDT To: http://www.gph.com/~jinglis, http://www.aol.com/~MSherber, http://www.attbi.com/~RichAshodian, http://www.juno.com/~margaretch, http://www.hotmail.com/~mpedit, http://www.cs.com/~MorrisBKaplan, ... Hi There, Any day now you will be receiving an invitation to my father's 60th birthday party. I'm writing with the hope that you will want to participate in a group project in honor of the occasion. I am planning to compile a special birthday book for him from all of us. Here are some ideas for how you might contribute: * Write a simple note on beautiful paper or a card wishing him a happy birthday * Find an old photo (or a new one) and include it with some thoughts about that day particular day * Remind him of how you first met or how his friendship has had an impact on your life * Write a poem, limerick, ode or even a haiku * Reminisce about a wonderful experience that you shared * Draw, paint, sketch (sorry, sculptures cannot be accepted!) * Use your imagination and think of something wonderful that I didn't mention (the more visual the better) Please don't feel obligated to participate, this should be fun and not at all stressful! I would greatly appreciate it if you would contact me via e-mail to let me know if I should be expecting something from you or not. If you are sending something, please be sure that I get it before May 10th as I will need time to put it together and I will be traveling from the West coast a week before the party so if I don't get it before I leave, it can't be included. If you're one of those really last minute people, you might be able to mail it to me at my mother's house in Connecticut in the couple of days before the party but please try not to cut it so close! If you want to just send something via e-mail, I'll be happy to print it out on nice paper for you. Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or ideas. Oh, and by the way, this is a surprise so please don't spill the beans! Judy knows about this so you can contact her if you'd like to. Thank you and I look forward to seeing all of you at the party. Cory P.S. I apologize for revealing all of your e-mail addresses but I know from experience that if I sent this BCC, many of you would never see it due to filtering programs for junk mail. Please be respectful of one another by not using this information for other purposes. Thanks!! --- End of forwarded message from http://www.aol.com/~Ohcory