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RE: this evening

 > From: , noelle" <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelle>
 > Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 15:01:15 -0400
 >  -----Original Message-----
 > From: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert [http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert]
 > Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 2:42 PM
 > To:, noelle
 > Subject: this evening
 > It looks like I forgot about the movie.  So, I'll make dinner tonight.
 > why?What were you doing that was so engrossing?

Working on my Liberated Software web site.

 > I went to the No Kidding Board and was able to post on there, so what is the
 > problem with the one at home?

It said something about needing an account.

 > Privoxy?


 > Wendy revealed that she is taking a coding class at Northeastern.I don't
 > understand why they did not want to tell me this(since Jan),maybe they
 > thought I would demand to go too?It costs $600!!!for one class.School  is
 > expensive.the tuition reimbursement here is lame--$800/yr,but the boss has
 > appealed and the new class she is taking now will be paid for.

Your boss is taking a class, too?

 > Noelle

Why do you want this page removed?