> From: http://www.juno.com/~margaretch > Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 11:42:09 -0400 > > > Do you have any ideas for Noelle's art? We could give you a few > > pieces. > OKAY- WE SPOKE ABOUT THIS ONLY MOMENTS AGO. > > And probably Marnie. > YES. Well, this could lessen our load some. > > Noelle will probably give some to her coworkers > > here. > GOOD. THE THRIFT STORE I GO TO PEOPLE DONATE ALL SORTS OF THINGS > AND THE ITEMS ARE SOLD PRETTY MUCH ALWAYS. I don't know if No would be into that or not. > > Do you think it'd be cheaper to store her art in storage than ship > > it to Ca (and possibly have to store it there : > SAME Right -- I suspected. So, unless we get a significantly larger place to live, it may be worth putting the art into storage in the Boston area. > I WROTE NOELLE ABOUT LUNCH, BUT FORGOT TO Cc IT. BASICALLY SAID- FRIDAY > LUNCH TENTATIVE?? Perhaps a late lunch would be best 'cause I'm supposed to drive a Zipcar to Noelle's work to pick stuff up. (On the other hand, perhaps you and dad could be the deliverers instead?) > ME