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Re: TeleBushies! (fwd)

Simon's cat's resume:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 00:59:18 -0400
From: Simon Levy <http://www.wlu.edu/~levys>
To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelle

noelle wrote:

>So this was made in August 2001? OOH scary.Precient.
Yeah, creepy.

>Meanwhile, I'm flying out to CA on Sunday.Robert will deal with the major
>moving stuff.He may do what our pal Mark did for his Sweden move(pack your
>own moving truck).Not sure how he and the cat are moving out there.He will
>be taking her to the vet(he never has done this before) in a few weeks for
>her annual, and to get kitty travel advice.
I had a positive experience with my cat, using a tranquilizer that the
vet gave me.  He was calm and relaxed until the very end of the trip
(the cat, I mean, not the vet), when it wore off (after about 10 hours).
 The only tough part is getting the pill down their throat if you're not
used to it, but the vet can show you how.  I had to give him daily
kidney pills recently, and it gets easy after a while.

>We followed the Humane Society
>suggestion for a cat resume for renters.

NAME: Goose

ADDRESS: 3 Lexington Ave.
                     Lexington, VA 24450


2002-present: Simon's Apartment, Lexington, VA
   Ate a lot and pooped in my litter box.  Played around with stuff.

1999-2002: Simon's Apartment, Waltham, MA
  Ate a lot and pooped in my litter box.  Played around with stuff.
 Escaped outside and hid in bushes.

  Drinking from toilet.  Throwing up on furniture. Rolling around on my
back. Meowing for food, Meowing for no apparent      reason.

  U.S. (Declawed.)

other references (Simon's sister Sharon, previous employer) available on

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