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Re: $250000 - or best offer - hip house needs new owners

 > From: "Keith  Fengler" <http://www.alum.rpi.edu/~Keith_Fengler>
 > Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:33:51 -0400
 > Hi Robert,
 > Thanks for the email, I am still interested and I would like to set up a time 
 > to see the house.  Before the weekend, I had mentioned maybe trying to see it 
 > this evening, and you asked me to just email you when I got back into town.  
 > Please let me know when a good time for you would be, whether it is this 
 > evening

No, tonight would not work.

 > or some other time this week.

I'm free all day Tuesday and Friday, and Thursday night.

 > Thanks,
 > Keith

Why do you want this page removed?