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That's excellent that you're joining.

I discovered WashTech soon after I was laid off.  But, seeing that I still
don't have a job, I think even $11/month is a bit much for me.  I do
follow their web site and participate in actions when they're called for.

I also follow http://www.techsunite.org .

 > From: Simon Levy <http://www.wlu.edu/~levys>
 > Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 17:24:32 -0400
 > Subject: Re: Accept donations?
 > Oh, I didn't realize I could join on that basis.  Thanks, I'll 
 > definitely do that, and look forward to the newsletter.
 > You know, my grandfather, born in 1899 and also named Simon Levy, was an 
 > early member of the IBEW, at a time when holding a union card could get 
 > you beaten up or worse.  My uncle and cousin are still members today. 
 >  So even though my father and I didn't go into the "family business" 
 > (electrician), I feel I owe something to the movement.  Seeing the kind 
 > of "permatemp" shenanigans that Microsoft has been getting away with for 
 > years is reason enough to join.
 > -- Simon
 > WashTech/CWA Local 37083 wrote:
 > >Simon-
 > >
 > >Yes we can accept donations, but why not become a member for a few
 > >months with this same amount of money.  Our dues are only $11 per month
 > >and for $55 you could be a member for five months or $44 for four
 > >months. 
 > >
 > >We greatly appreciate your support of our efforts and encourage your
 > >membership and particpation for any amount of time. 
 > >
 > >Regardless of how you'd like to do this, we'd like to enlist your help
 > >in our action campaigns.  I've signed you up for our free e-newsletter,
 > >The WashTech News.  You'll get an email confirmation, just respond and
 > >you'll be all set to receive it as well as our action alerts.
 > >
 > >Thanks for your support.
 > >
 > >In Solidarity,
 > >
 > >Karole Gorman, Organizer
 > >WashTech/CWA Local 37083
 > >
 > >-----Original Message-----
 > >From: Simon Levy [http://www.wlu.edu/~levys] 
 > >Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 6:47 AM
 > >To: http://www.washtech.org/~contact
 > >
 > >Hello,
 > >
 > >I neither live in the beautiful state of Washington nor work in the IT 
 > >industry (I teach computer science at a small college), but I support 
 > >the goals of WATW and am interested in helping your organization.  I 
 > >prefer not to join on a long-term basis, but would like to send a 
 > >donation of $50 or so, the amount I usually give each month to charity. 
 > > Do you accept such one-time donations?
 > >
 > >Thanks,
 > >Simon Levy

Why do you want this page removed?