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Re: Great editorial from LinuxJournal

 > From: Simon Levy <http://www.wlu.edu/~levys>
 > Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 18:46:29 -0400
 > This guy, Doc Searls, has the best big-picture I've seen of the whole 
 > media landscape.  Plus some props to Howard Dean at the end. Definitely 
 > worth reading, the kind of thing that makes it worth wading through the 
 > other junk on slashdot every day.
 >   http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6989 

Yeah.  It was weird how, a few years ago, he wrote an editorial in Linux
Journal, he supported G.W. Bush for president.  I guess he had a Neil
Young [who supported Nixon for president and said so] moment.

 > -- Simon

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