As you can see, my ISP is a bit screwed up. Good thing I set up this back up. --- Noelle <noelle> wrote: > > > ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 > From: > Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 23:40:05 EDT > > Saturday 9/6 for a potluck sounds good. We could make it in the late > afternoon/evening thing or could come around lunchtime, depending on what > works > for you guys too. Damn. Does this mean I have to forget about going to the vegan dessert bonaza? > I started doing medical abortions -- did the first last week. It entails the > > patient taking a combo of Mifepristone (RU486 as it's known in the US) and > Misoprostol. I've been somewhat impressed that Kaiser has began this whole > program with a dedicated nurse and support staff. At first I wasn't sure if > I > definitely wanted to get involved in doing abortions. We didn''t train in > doing them > at Wash U, but a surgical procedure is not much different from one for a > miscarriage (some minor differences in risk). I then thought about how I > started > into this specialty, volunteering at Planned Parenthood and then felt it is > sort of a duty. There are many people who are pro-choice but who don't or > won't > do them. I haven't up to this point, figured there was no reason now not to, > > especially when there's this great setup. Though Kaiser is somewhat > institutional medicine, I have been impressed with some of their programs to > deal with > issues that have an impact on health but are not usually well addressed in > traditional medical institutions like domestic violence. Wow, this is really great! Good for her!