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Re: progress on sale?

 > From: http://www.juno.com/~margaretch
 > Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 11:36:15 -0400
 > > I'm not sure what's happening.  I tried calling Jim Peterson, but 
 > > haven't heard back from him.  I'm supposed to sign and notarize the deed
 > > and  have it arrive by Thursday, but I'm not sure that can happen if I
 > > FedEx  the stuff tomorrow.  If I cannot get the notarized deed to Jim
 > > Peterson by Thursday, then the closing date may be delayed.
 > > 
 > > Just a warning.
 > HOPE NOT! Mother
 > http://www.amiannoying.com/

I take it that you stumbled upon this web site.  It's somewhat funny, but
didn't rate it "Great".

Why do you want this page removed?