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welcome to TheThingsIWant.com -- gifts, wishlists, wedding registries

Dear Robert ,
User Name: robertb 
Password: xxxxx

Congratulations and Welcome
Thank you for registering at TheThingsIWant.com

You now have one place to put all the things you want.  You can add the things 
you want from anywhere on the Web:  Things you want to buy for yourself (
Shopping List) and all the things you want others to buy for you (Gift Lists).

Personal Information
You can see or change your personal information any time by logging in and 
going to My Lists and then choosing Manage My Personal Info.  Alternatively, 
you can click on the link below (or copy the link directly into your web 
browser and pressing Go).

The Browser Button
Make sure you have the "Add to TheThingsIWant" browser button in your Links 
Toolbar line on your Web browser.  This is what allows you to add anything to 
your lists. If you haven't already done this you should do it right away.  You 
can do this here: 

Share your Gift Lists
You should email your friends and tell them that you have a list at 
TheThingsIWant.com you can do this by logging in and going to My Lists and 
then Share My Lists.  Alternatively, you can click on the link below ( or copy 
the link directly into your web browser and pressing Go) .

Questions about Usage
If you have any questions about the service you should find them answered in 
the Help & FAQ's section of the site.  If you don't find what you are looking 
for there you can send us an email from that page.

We sincerely hope you use and enjoy the service.  We lovingly created the most 
respected Shopping List and Gift List Registry service on the Web with you in 
mind.  And remember, your friends will love it and you. 

Guy White
#1 Friend, TheThingsIWant.com

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