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Re: Freelance Seek - Web Site Overhaul/ Update

 > From: Matthew Lerner <http://www.fuzrocks.com/~msl>
 > Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 14:37:00 -0400
 > robert wrote:
 > >Hi.  I saw this job listing and thought of you.  Are you gainfully
 > >employed these days?
 > Through cronyism and corruption, I am.  Okay, not that much corruption.  
 > I found a job in Washington DC programming in JSP and Java with a 
 > company owned by a Hampshire (my alma mater) alum.


 > I found it through 
 > Hampshire.  Been here 7 weeks, and so far it is just swell.  DC is... a 
 > city like others I have lived in.  I did find a chinese restaurant that 
 > was only somewhat inferior to grasshopper last week, which was nice. 

I guess Michigan didn't work out?

 > >I'm finally in Ca, but I am still jobless.
 > Congratulations and condolences.  If I hear of anything, I'll let you 
 > know.  Bay Area?

Yes, the Bay Area.  I'm going to one of those job center thingies today --
in just a few minutes, actually.

The other news is that Noelle and I are getting married.  It will happen
tomorrow.  I'll probably elucidate in far more detail in my solstice
message in a few months.

 > -Matthew

Why do you want this page removed?