Hey, it was great meeting you. The project of opening a radical library thingy in sounds very exciting, more than any project I could think of at ProSearch. (Then again, I'm still a newbie at ProSearch -- I'm not yet technically a member.) It's nice to know that there are some progressives/radicals in . (Noelle and I lived in for 5 years before we moved to Boston. Perhaps we won't have to live in [expensive] to meet cool people.) Anyway, back to nuts & bolts. Please send me your resume so if I come across something that may match your background, I can pass it on to you. My resume is at my web site (below). I still haven't updated it given the latest feedback, but you should get the general idea of where I've been. BTW, I live at , between 6th and 7th. We're renting at this point. Do you go to any Linux or Unix users groups? Before Boston, I used to regularly go to CalLUG, but, according to http://linuxmafia.com/bale , there are lot of groups. Also, I've been hoping that various groups in http://www.meetup.com will give me a chance to meet people. Here are the Meetup groups I've signed up for: Weekday events: Laid Off http://laidoff.meetup.com Unemployed http://unemployed.meetup.com Jobhunters http://jobhunters.meetup.com Childfree http://childfree.meetup.com INFJ Meetup http://infj.meetup.com Linux http://linux.meetup.com Security http://security.meetup.com Agile Software http://agile.meetup.com Prochoice http://prochoice.meetup.com March for Women http://marchforwomen.meetup.com Scheme http://scheme.meetup.com Kuro5hin http://kuro5hin.meetup.com Vegetarian http://vegetarian.meetup.com Python http://python.meetup.com Atheists http://atheists.meetup.com Spam Haters http://spamhaters.meetup.com Bicycling http://bike.meetup.com System Adminstrators http://sysadmin.meetup.com Anarchy http://anarchy.meetup.com Save American Jobs http://saveamerjobs.meetup.com Artificial Intelligence http://ai.meetup.com Linux Journal http://linuxjournal.meetup.com Weekend events: Movie Fans http://movies.meetup.com Stumble Upon http://stumbleupon.meetup.com Punk http://punk.meetup.com Vegan http://vegan.meetup.com Also, we talked with Kriss Worthington (a councilperson in ) the other day and he was telling us about campaigns he was working on to get progressive people into government in .