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Re: rainy Critical Masses

 > From: "Kathryn M" <http://www.kathaus.org/~cat>
 > Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 18:07:32 -0700
 > They still happen, but only the real wingnuts show up.  I'm still trying to 
 > decide if I'm going today.  It was pouring 
 > earlier but it is clearing now.  I'll see at 5:45 if it is clear.

I saw the on-line video and blurb, and it said that last November had the
lowest turn-out for a  Critical Mass -- due to the rain.  I guess
people are wimps on this coast, too. :-)

Anyway, I probably won't go this month.  I hope to see ya here in 

 > --kathryn
 > peace
 > Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)

Why do you want this page removed?