> From: bea miner <http://www.yahoo.com/~beaminer> > Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 14:58:50 -0800 (PST) > > Dear Robert, > Sorry about that! Your address iis adjacent to Robert Barber's and with > my eyesight ------. Received your wedding notice and invitation to > reception in Santa Barbara. I like that part of the state a lot. I used > to drive from Sebastopol to Ojai regularly to the Krishnamurti Center. > No telling if we can make it or not. OK. > I've had 3 eye operations and now > have double vision. It's supposed to clear up eventually, noone seems to > know when. Good luck with that! > I know you're happy to be back in CA. How do you like your > new governor? Ka Uber Alles. It's unfortunately more of the same. > All happiness to you and Noel. > Love, Bea