Welcome to drugstore.com!
Welcome to drugstore.com - the best place on the web to shop for all of your health and beauty needs.
Our goal is to simplify your life by providing products and services that are right for you. From the basics to hot, new products, we have what you need - and want.
The drugstore.com webstore has over 12,000 products, so you can always find what you are looking for or discover something new. Our quick shopping tools can help you find what you need in 5 minutes or less. Plus, we offer:
- 24-hour ordering, seven days a week and home delivery
- Four times as many products as your average drugstore
- Your List, a record of your purchases and favorite items at drugstore.com for easy reordering
- Everyday savings and free gifts with purchase not found at your average drugstore
- Access to our award-winning customer service 24-hours a day, 7 days a week
- Complete privacy and confidentiality
We know value is important, so you'll always find product specials on our home page at http://www.drugstore.com, and great low prices on the brands you trust throughout the site, every day.
Use the same e-mail/password combination each time you visit drugstore.com and you'll be able to view your online account information at any time, including your personalized shopping list, previous orders list, and shipping and billing information. If you want to change the e-mail address or password for your current account, go to the "your account" section of our site, here: Your Account
Again, thank you for shopping at drugstore.com. If you have any further questions, concerns or suggestions, please reply to this message at customercare@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Customer Care