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RE: news4.sucknews.com is still slow

Besides the missing newsgroups, mammoth seems have no articles in any of
the newsgroups I read.  I think I'll stick with suck4.sucknews.com 'cause
at least it has articles.

 > Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 10:34:42 -0800
 >  > From: "Usenet-Access Support" <http://www.usenet-access.com/~support>
 >  > Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 12:39:58 -0500
 >  >
 >  > How is it compared to MAMMOTH? News4 is slated for hardware upgrade and
 >  > mammoth was replaced with a new server the other night.
 > mammoth seems to be missing a few newsgroups (alt.support.shyness is the
 > most notable example).
 > I'll try it over the next week to see how it goes.

Why do you want this page removed?