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Re: Happy Winter Solstice!

 > From: Guillaume Dumoulin <http://www.wanadoo.fr/~guillaume-dumoulin>
 > Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 08:45:00 +0100
 > Hello Robert
 > Just checked your site and am wondering if its really "best viewed with 
 > any browser" because Im using Safari (Apple browser) and the page 
 > becomes black 5 secs after it starts to load.
 > Maybe this has something to do with the tipbar thing I dont know.

Hmm, interesting.  Let me disable the tipbar.  Could you check out 
http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert again?

 > Speaking of Apple, have you checked their site yet :
 > https://jobs.apple.com/

No.  That's funny because, as I was lying in bed, I was thinking exactly
about that.  Lattice o' coincidence.

 > Do you know RISC assembler ? Ha ha !

Like the back of my hand...what's that wort doing there?

 > The photos on your site are cool but you should put a picture of you 
 > playing drums.
 > I am sending you some ! (If you want the pictures with Ayn feel free to 
 > ask).

Excellent, thanks!  I'll stick 'em up on my web page as soon as I can.

 > It's so funny you are back in Ca. Have you been to Gilman 
 > street yet ?

Nope.  It's such a pain getting to  from here.

 > Now you should meet Murray Bowles and go with him at arm wrestling 
 > parties.

Ah-ha.  Right.

 > Being still unemployed I decided to start working on my own (at home) 
 > because I had two people asking me for graphic work / websites.
 > It's quite cool to be able to work at home, although my place is a bit 
 > trashy to meet  with clients (dirty dishes and dead kennedys posters).
 > The only solution I found so far to be able to have people pay me is 
 > real bad : I have to give 50% of my income as taxes (France is not the 
 > land of opportunity). But that will probably be only temporary anyway, 
 > unless I found new clients.

I was comtemplating that.  I had 2 interviews last week.  If nothing comes
of that, I will take different strategies.  Have you checked out
http://rentacoder.com ?  I'm not sure if it's international or not, but
there are a lot of jobs working on websites there.  (I was thinking about
doing one of those low-paid jobs there, but I want to try different
money-making strategies first.)

 > Your bicycle problems are terrible, you should switch to skateboard.

I suppose that would be slightly cheaper.  But skateboards are definitely

 > Take care
 > Guillaume

Why do you want this page removed?