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pro-union protest

Title: Protest "Global Sourcing" Conference, 4/14 in San Francisco

Protest "Global Sourcing" Conference, 4/14 in San Francisco

Dear TechsUnite Ca,

On Wednesday, April 14, the Strategic Research Institute is hosting a "Global Sourcing Conference" in San Francisco.  This is an event where corporate executives gather together to discuss how to move jobs out of the US.  Many tech companies will be present, including Microsoft which is making a presentation on their "sourcing strategies."

TechsUnite, along with the San Francisco Labor Council and many local labor unions, says NO to planning the destruction of even more quality jobs from our depressed economy.  If you are upset about the trend of job loss and outsourcing, and its effects on our economy, please come to show your anger and show the media that tech workers want JOBS!  Our rally will show our opposition to offshoring, and highlight 5 new bills in the Ca legislature designed to slow and limit offshoring.
Local union workers, leaders and elected officials will speak.

WHAT: Demonstration Against Offshoring Conference

WHEN: Wednesday, April 14, 4-6pm

WHERE: In front of Pan Pacific Hotel, 500 Post St at Mason
(Union Square), San Francisco.

PARKING is difficult/expensive, however this is only a few blocks from
Powell Street BART.

The labor council has asked TechsUnite to provide 2 speakers, they are looking for unemployed tech workers.  If you want to take your message to the media, this is you chance!  You MUST contact Josh Sperry or Natasha Humphries in advance to sign up as a speaker: http://www.cwa9423.com/~jsperry or http://www.techsunite.org/~natasha.

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