I'd be up for Friday. What time? BTW, http://ae.bayarea.com/entertainment/ui/bayarea/movieResults.html?movies.sort_by_name=i&movies.sort_by_name.SEARCH_TYPE=BEGINS&newSearch=frogstar&newSearch=notnull&MOVIE_GENRES.ID.SEARCH_TYPE=EQUALS&MOVIE_GENRES.ID=&AREAS.ID.SEARCH_TYPE=EQUALS&AREAS.ID=&MOVIE_ENGAGEMENTS.START_DATE.SEARCH_TYPE=DATE&MOVIE_ENGAGEMENTS.START_DATE=07%2F23%2F2004 seems to claim that "I, Robot" is not playing. But, I remember what happened the *last* time I trusted this thing! --- Gail Prime One <http://www.sbcglobal.net/~prime_one> wrote: > No, we better make hay while the sun shines. No telling what will happen > next week. At least I *know* I'm not working this week. I.Robot is at > Bayfair, and that matinee is still $6.00. (10:50am), (1:30), (1:35), > (2:15), (4:15), (5:00).