Thank you for your generosity! Thank you for your tax-deductible contribution using the Network for Good Giving System. You may save or print this receipt for your records. It certifies that you have made this donation as a charitable contribution and you are not receiving any goods or services in return. This receipt may be useful to you when completing your tax return. Your credit card will be billed as Network for Good instead of the names of the charities receiving the funds. All donations are final and may not be refunded. Your donation will be processed as follows: Name: Robert Address: , City: where-I-live State/Province: CA Zip/Postal Code: E-mail: Phone: my-Oakland-voicemail-number Method of Payment: Mastercard Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 Time: 12:39 PM Reference Number: 1000451302 Authorization: Accepted Nonprofit Organization: Software In The Public Interest Inc Address: box 502761 , Indianapolis, IN 46250 Designated Project: Dedication: Amount: $10.00 The above information relating to you, the donor, is used only to complete your donation. If you made your contribution anonymously, the information will not be provided to the charity. Please visit Network for Good ( ) for more information on privacy and security. Your contribution is being made to Network for Good, a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, which will distribute your donation to the charity you have designated. If the charity you have selected cannot or does not accept donations, is not recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity, or is not in good standing with federal and state regulators, Network for Good will contact you to redirect your donation. If you have questions about your donation, please contact our customer service representatives by e-mail at Thank you for visiting Network for Good!