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- To: "Bea" <http://profiles.yahoo.com/bea>
- Subject: !0 more days to wait!
- From: "Robert & Susan" <http://www.qwestonline.com/~robsue2>
- Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 20:38:11 -0500
- Cc: "Margaret" <http://www.juno.com/~margaretch>
HI Bea & MargaretMargaret when I first saw the black paper I hesitated to pull it out of the envelope as I thought of grief. Glad to see the silver writing.Unable to stay at the computer as it is painful. Will try again in the morning. I am most uncomfortable towards evening.Robert helped me find these sites even as he has his own pain. He still builds up some fluid around his partial knee replacement.I will have the treatment of injection on the 17th...the same day Bea is lv. or arr.... forget which? After the procedure by a Radiologist then I return to the neurosurgeon who is treating me these past 4 years.This is called S I Joint:andHope both of you have less pain then I do. I don't have as much as the victims of the Earthquake but it was the same day.Good Night to you both.Love Susan
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