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hands (was Wiki help needed)

--- Jessica Perry Hekman <http://www.arborius.net/~jphekman> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 15, 2005 at 03:30:13PM -0800, robert b wrote:
> > BTW, are you leaving the technical field because your hands are not
> > getting better?
> No, actually, when I started tai chi five years ago, my hands got much 
> better. I do still sleep with braces on, but otherwise I'm 99% recovered. 
> I can type pretty much as much as I want. The side effects of tai chi, 
> though, were that I want to type less -- I'm less obsessive about 
> computers and started being more intersted in the health fields. I guess 
> you could say my change in intersests are indirectly related to my hands 
> -- if my hands hadn't hurt I wouldn't've found tai chi, if I hadn't found 
> tai chi I wouldn't've started exploring these other areas...
> > Mine have become substantially better recently due to a change in my diet.
> Congratulations! Tell me more -- what change?

I made a strange discovery.  I found out that I'm allergic to wheat and
rice.  Since I've dropped/cut-back on wheat and rice, my hands have felt
tons better.  In fact, I found I can type as much as I want without pain.
Very weird.

I've been hypothesizing that it is ultimately hormone related, but I
cannot prove it.  I wish more research were done on RSI.  Oh, well.

BTW, I finally found a job.  I found it in August, actually.  It's working
on machine learning research at So_ny.  I'm working as a temp
and the contract is up for renewal at the end of February.  It's not clear
whether they'll renew the contract.  If they don't, I just might get
inspired to work on speech recognition stuff again.  Who knows?

> j


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