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Re: Action Needed: Tell The Chronicle They Got it Wrong!

I told you about this, but I guess PPGG also agrees.  It's total bullshit.

 > From: "Planned Parenthood Golden Gate" <http://www.ppgg.org/~getactive>
 > Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 13:03:32 GMT
 > Dear Robert,
 > On Saturday, January 22, Stand Up for Choice Day, more than
 > 6,000 pro-choice Bay Area residents and many local elected
 > officials, including Mayor Gavin Newsom, demonstrated to defend
 > women's and health and rights during a peaceful rally and march
 > in San Francisco. If you were there (thank you!), you know that
 > the vast majority of the Bay Area is pro-choice, that we greatly
 > outnumbered the anti-choice marchers, and our demonstration was
 > peaceful and positive.
 > On Sunday, January 23, 2005, the San Francisco Chronicle wrote a
 > grossly inaccurate story about the event. Here is a link to the
 > article if you have not seen it:
 > http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/01/23/MNGVSAV32H1.DTL
 > While the anti-choice demonstration evoked passionate emotions
 > in some pro-choice marchers, it is clear the Chronicle had an
 > agenda to depict the pro-choice majority in a negative light.
 > Their photos and coverage did not represent the thousands of
 > pro-choice women, men, teens and children who live in the Bay
 > Area and stood up for choice on Saturday. 
 > We need your help to set the record straight! Please send a
 > letter to the San Francisco Chronicle to let them know you won't
 > stand for an inaccurate, biased portrayal of the day's events.
 > Guidelines and points for a draft letter are below for your
 > assistance. (*If you saw other biased and inaccurate reports in
 > other media outlets, please contact them as well to set the
 > record straight!*)
 > Here are some things to keep in mind when writing a letter to
 > the editor: 
 > 1) Limit letters to 200 words or less.
 > 2) Shorter letters have a better chance of publication.
 > 3) Keep it civil, avoid profanity or excessive punctuation.
 > 4) Include your name and city of residence.
 > Once your letter is written, email it to the Chronicle's editor
 > and those reporters who wrote the story: 
 > http://www.sfchronicle.com/~letters, http://www.sfchronicle.com/~kconner,
 > http://www.sfchronicle.com/~hlee, http://www.sfchronicle.com/~cestrella
 > Here are key points to include in the letter: 
 > 1) The Chronicle's coverage was biased, inappropriate, and we
 > won't stand for it. 
 > 2) The Bay Area, like the majority of America, is pro-choice.
 > 3) On Saturday, January 22, thousands of Bay Area residents
 > stood up for choice in a positive, peaceful demonstration. Your
 > choice of photographs was neither balanced nor representative of
 > our event.
 > 4) The true extremists are the anti-choice minority who are
 > working to take away a woman's right private, personal
 > decision-making about her reproductive health.
 > --------------------------------------------------
 > Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
 > http://www.ppaction.org/join-forward.html?domain=ppgg&r=XpqfVcM1HXAE
 > If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for
 > Planned Parenthood Golden Gate at:
 > http://www.ppaction.org/ppgg/join.html?r=XpqfVcM1HXAEE

Why do you want this page removed?