February 4, 2005 Mr. Robert , Apartment 9 Hayward Dear Mr.: Thank you for writing to me about American workers and the H- 1B visa program. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond. I am deeply concerned about the H1-B program. When Congress approved an increase in H1-B visas in 2000, I voted in favor of the measure because it included protections for American workers which I advocated. While in my view the protections could have been even stronger, I was pleased that the measure also included an amendment I introduced. This provided funds to the National Science Foundation to support private-public partnerships in K-12 education enabling these students to acquire a better understanding and appreciation of science, mathematics and technology. Because I supported the H1-B legislation with these protections, I take very seriously any allegation that American workers are being discriminated against, or that foreign-born workers are being given preferential treatment. I do not support replacing American workers with foreign-born workers and I believe we must reduce our dependency on foreign workers. Frankly, I believe the H1-B program should be cut substantially. Please know that I will keep your views in mind as Congress discusses this important issue. Once again, thank you for writing. I hope you will continue to keep in touch on issues of importance to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, DC staff at (202) 224-3841. Sincerely yours, Dianne Feinstein United States Senator http://feinstein.senate.gov Further information about my position on issues of concern to Ca and the Nation are available at my website http://feinstein.senate.gov. You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at http://feinstein.senate.gov/issue.html.