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Re: Poker Faces political music wants to be posted on your links page http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert/bookmarks/politics/music/index.shtml

Hi.  Sorry it's taken me so long to get to your e-mail.  I found it just

Yeah, I'll add you to my bookmarks page.

 > From: http://www.pokerface.com/~paul
 > Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 05:15:40 +0000
 > hello robert....
 > I came across your page
 > http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert/bookmarks/politics/music/index.shtml
 > because i was searching for other music that is political, besides my own bands.
 > I am the lead singer of the Political Protest Rock Band - Poker Face, out of
 > Allentown, pa. We would like to be on your list. We would also like to send you
 > out a copy of our latest disc,"Made In America" so at least you are aware of
 > another current political band.
 > If you like what you see and hear, here:
 > http://www.pokerface.com
 > then please reply with a snail mail address and I will pop one in the mail to you.
 > peace
 > paul from pokerface.com

Why do you want this page removed?