Thanks! I'll tell him. --- DAVID <> wrote: > Hi there! > > Being a downtown SF lawyer he is not cheap but he knows his stuff. To > minimize cost, be sure to have your request sucinctly stated when you meet > him. If possible maybe you can get him to revise your contract not only to > let you do your open-source stuff but also royalties on your 'on company > time' inventions too! And don't forget to look for patentable technology > within your open source software -- you deserve to make a profit from your > efforts just as much as joe tinkerer tinkering in his garage after hours. > > Big companies have teams of lawyers who knock themselves out trying to write > employment contracts that keep as much for the company as possible, under > the assumption that most employees will just kind of sign it thankful to be > given a job. All engineers need to be an active and persistent partner in > the making of the contract. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you > negotiate! > > Then become rich, work only a few hours per month, and devote your life to > philanthropic pursuits. > > DG > > ps: if you meet with him, give him my greetings and tell him I got my > patent agent's license. >