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Re: where-I-live Linux User Group -- General meeting

 > From: "tek" <http://www.pervasivenetwerks.com/~tek>
 > Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 14:49:19 -0700
 > This coming Linuxdojo which normally would be on July 2nd, is
 > postponed till the following week on July 9th. I would also like to
 > get a vote going on doing a bar-b-que for the meeting on July
 > 9th. Lets hear it people.

I don't know if I'll make it or not.  So_ny offered me a full-time position
and we're trying to find a rental in .  Our weekends are generally

But, if I am able to make it and if you do do a BBQ, I'll bring some
veggie burgers.

 > We will also be covering the details of the Defcon Trip at the
 > following meeting on July 9th.
 > Tnt

Why do you want this page removed?