To view your HireRight screening report, click on the link below or copy it into an Internet browser.
Before you can view your report, you will be asked to log in with a username and password. Your username is your email address and your password is the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. For applicants who do not have a Social Security Number (e.g. applicants outside the United States), your password is the last 4 characters of your Personal Identification Number.
HireRight understands the importance of information privacy, and maintains strict security procedures to protect all data in the system. If you would like more information on our corporate privacy and security policies, please go to:
Thank you.
HireRight Customer Service
Phone: (866) 521-6995, (949) 428-5804
Fax: (877) 797-3442, (949) 224-6020
Hire Safe. Hire Smart. HireRight.
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