Hi. I wasn't able to find this RFQ on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Silicon_Valley_Cohousing . Do you have the precise folder name and file name? Thanks! --- Diana Chung <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ladidido> wrote: > HI All- > Great to hear from all these new folks. Glad to hear from all of you. Just > wanted to give you > some background on where we are in the process. > > I (Diana) started the group in mid-March/April with the hope of getting > cohousing going in the > Silicon Valley. As a group, we're still in the process of "gelling." > However, since I'm the only > person in the group without an office job here in Silicon Valley (I'm a full > time mom and part > time grad student), I've been doing most of the site search: open land, > redevelopment agencies, > disused commercial buildings for sale. Because I live in downtown , > that's been my focus. > > Currently, the redevelopment agency is selling 6.35 acre, or a large > city block, lot in > Japantown, aprox. 2 miles north of downtown . A resquest for queries > (RFQ) date has been > set for August 22nd. I've posted the RFQ on the cohousing website (look in > the folders). Since > the due date is such a short time away, we are considering working with > another professional > developer to submit a proposal for the space. We'd like to carve our a 12-36 > unit space just for > cohousing. > > If anyone who's just joined the group has experience with working with > developers, please let us > know. > > Diana Chung > 685 R. Fna Sreanaqb Fg #054 > Fna Wbfr, PN 40667 > 953-705-5365 > http://profiles.yahoo.com/ladidido