Call up Garden Fresh in Mtn View. They might be open on Thanksgiving and their "meat" is very passable for the real deal; at least, taste-wise. If they want that sick, bloated, tired feeling that comes from eating too much meat, they can't help you there. As for real meat restaurants, you're going to have to ethnic to find something open on Thanksgiving, but that plays to your favor. Indian, Thai, and Ethiopian are all vegan-friendly options. Cheers, Matthew --- In, robert b <> wrote: > > My wife's folks are coming and they want to munch on meat. And meat in the > house is unacceptable. So, we'll be going to a restaurant. > > Does anyone know of a restaurant that (1) is open on Thanksgiving Day, (2) has > vegan options, and (3) isn't too far from San Jose? > > Thanks!