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Re: Did Ya know?

On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Bhavani wrote:

> Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:36:29 -0500
> From: Bhavani <http://www.juno.com/~margaretch>
> To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert
> Cc: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
> Subject: Did Ya know?
>  Hi-
> Flora got a job in Waterbury Vermont.  She starts December 5th.

I thought it was in Montpelier?Or was the interview there?

> I still don't have a scheduled date with my head.  The Humpty Dumpty
> piece isn't back yet.  What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Gobble,
> gobble.

My dad & Gail were coming, but the incompatible diets conflicted, so they are
coming later.I guess we are going to Kathryn's Cat Haus Harvest Festival
Feast,instead, in 

> Is Jill going to leave the Starting Over House when she has her tumor
> removal- do you think, Noelle?

It looks like her cousin will take her in so I don't see how she can be in the
house for at least a month. i wonder what happened to the housemate last year
who went into rehab??The Where are They NOw? part of the website is not good.

> How are things, stuff and everything?

I went to a U2 concert with Michele & Allen(they could not get a ticket for
Robert).It was the best concert, ever. I had a transcendent experience which is
hard to put into words.It was a heart-opening of sorts.They had such a
connection with the audience that night I was moved.

 > It's Cold!!
> Love, Bhavani Ma

Why do you want this page removed?