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Re: Tell Gov. to say Yes to Family Planning, No to Abstinence Only

Dear Governor,

Please do sign AB 2742 and SB 1471.



 > From: "PPGG Action Center" <http://www.ppgg.org/~webmaster>
 > Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 10:40:29 -0700
 > September 19, 2006=20
 > Urgent Action Needed!=20
 > Dear Robert
 > Right now Governor Schwarzenegger has two very important Planned Parenthood=
 > sponsored bills waiting on his desk to be signed. September 30th is the de=
 > adline for signing and this date is quickly approaching!  We need your ugen=
 > t action to make sure he signs AB 2742 and SB 1471, which would greatly imp=
 > rove access to family planning services and comprehensive sex education and=
 >  reduce the rates of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infect=
 > ions (STIs) in the state of Ca.

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