Did you really read this? It seems like it makes a least a couple of assumptions. 1) What Bollinger said was accurate and correct. 2) Iran is/was somehow associated, even vaguely, with 9/11. Re #1. Ahmadinejad was elected ('though just as poorly as the electoral college in the United States) and is not a dictator. He may have rhetoric similar to Bush's and perhaps similar ambitions, but, sadly, both were elected. Re #2. It is ironic that Saudi Arabia wasn't mentioned since they are most at fault for 9/11 and should have been invaded and decapitated -- Iran had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Noelle said that probably Fox News praised Bollinger for his words; they're probably far more right-wing than any student attending Columbia University. The real problem here is religion -- both Ahmadinejad and Bush want a theocracy, and the populace seem on the verge of embracing it.