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D-Link Email Case ID: DLK400015423

Dear Robert,

Your Case ID is DLK400015423.

[Critical: Please do not change the subject line of your email when you reply. Leaving the subject line as it is will allow us to review your complete history and help us to better serve you.]

Date of Reply: 12/29/2008
Products: DWL-3200AP_revB
Operating System: Linux

Robert ,

kindly save your settings by clicking on configuration>>save and activate.

We will request you to speak with a live technician who will assist you in troubleshooting this issue. Please call technical support at 877-45D-Link (877-453-5465). Technical support is available 24/7 to serve your needs. 

Thank you for networking with D-Link. 

Should you require further assistance with your D-Link products, please reply to this message, or call toll free at 877-453-5465.  

Thank you for networking with D-Link.

D-Link Technical Support

============Begin of Original Message============
Each time I reboot/power up my DWL-3200AP, the wireless settings get reset.  (The wired settings, thankfully, do not get reset.)  In particular, I am setting up my AP to use WPA2-Personal.  It works great.  But, when I power down the unit and bring it back up, the wireless setting get reset to "open system" rather than WPA2.

Is there a way to boot the system such that it keeps my wireless settings including the passphrase/password?

I'm running firmware v2.50.

============End of Original Message============

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----------------- D-Link - Building Networks for People ----------------

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