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Re: Fw: from Gail re:See who you know on LinkedIn in seconds

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 20:57:51 -0800
 > I tried doing this, but Cox was not an option I could click on re: Webmail so I 
 > couldn't find out who I know in the network that it already on LinkedIn just 
 > out of curiosity. I did enter my correct email address and password that I 
 > originally set up. Do you know how to do this to get that information?

You use Outlook Express.  If you know of a way to export your address book
in Outlook Express, there may be a way to import it into LinkedIn.

But, it may just be easier to search for people that you know to see if
they're already on LinkedIn, starting with people in your field and
expanding from there.

I started with my immediate co-workers first, and then ex-co-workers, and
then college friends, and then high school friends.

Also, I'm not sure why you're getting emails like below.  If it's annoying
to you, an option would be to give me your password and I could log on to
your LinkedIn account and disable all communication.

 > If not, 
 > it's no big deal.
 > Gail
 > ----- Original Message ----- 
 > From: LinkedIn Team 
 > To: Gail 
 > Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 11:48 AM
 > Subject: See who you know on LinkedIn in seconds
 >             Gail,
 >             With over 34 million members, much of your "real world" network is 
 >             already on LinkedIn. In seconds, using webmail import, you can see 
 >             and connect to people you trust on LinkedIn.
 >             Why should you care if your network is accurate and up-to-date? So 
 >             you can:
 >               a.. See who you know in common before you meet with someone for 
 >               the first time 
 >               b.. Automatically keep up with your contacts' latest professional 
 >               developments 
 >               c.. Receive trusted recommendations and advice from your network 
 >             Get started by clicking here to import your contacts, and in 
 >             seconds you will see who you already know on LinkedIn.
 >             Regards,
 >             The LinkedIn New User Team

Why do you want this page removed?