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NYComms Direct Order Confirmation

www.NYCommsDirect.com Logo
CustomerID# 5199

Thank you for your order. Your order number is 6228, placed 2/14/2009 at 10:48AM.

Bill To:


United States

Ship To:


United States
Payment Info:

Credit Card: MasterCard

Shipping Method:

USPS Priority Box
Order Details:

3-0067Nokia N800 Portable Internet Tablet with VoIP (Skype Certified)
Sub Total: $279.99
Tax: $0.00
Shipping: $14.07
Grand Total: $294.06

Thank you for shopping at NYComms Direct!
Visit us again at http://www.nycommsdirect.com/

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NYComms Direct - 2500 Plaza Five - Harborside Financial Center - Jersey City - NJ, 07311
Tel: 1.866.417.3615 - Skype: nycomms

To help us improve www.NYCommsDirect.com website and/or our service we would appreciate any feedback, suggestions or comments you may have regarding your recent shopping experience. Order#(6228)
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