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Fw: For appt w/Dr Sally Fodero, audiologist (3/25/09) (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 07:02:36 -0400
From: Bhavani <http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl>
To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
Subject: Fw: For appt w/Dr Sally Fodero, audiologist (3/25/09)

Hi Noelle...Robert...
I thought I'd send this about Anne Marie to you-- perhaps if you feel
inclined you could send this to your father Noelle.  And thankee for the
photos.  I was surprised that there were only a few.

Did Chris send you his or do you have his from their trip? It sounds like
he had a GOOD time.  Marnie it seems did too?  What did it seem like from
your perspective?  Do not answer if this is  only gossip. Hee, hee,
giggle, chuckle.

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, Anne Marie <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajam> wrote:

From: Anne Marie <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajam>
Subject: For appt w/Dr Sally Fodero, audiologist (3/25/09)
To: "Anne Marie and Artie" <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajam>
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 2:22 PM

Most current symptoms as of Saturday - March 21, '09

Receiving Chiropractic treatments weekly for the last month seems to have
been helpful.  The symptoms have become less severe since then and yet I
remain quite housebound.   Mornings continue to be the most difficult
part of each day, though the symptoms are not as severe as they were last

The following was noted a few days ago.  *Time - around 9:30 am.
~By this time I had been up from bed since around 7:00 am.

I feel a good amount of pressure at the crown of my head with accompanied
throbbing and tingling.  As that happens I also experience a wavelike
sensation inside the top of my head and just above my eyelids - again on
the inside, not the outside.  At this point my vision  starts to leave
for a couple seconds, therefore seeing only grey, and simultaneously
there exists dizziness and lightheadedness.  When severe I'm on the brink
of unconsciousness, however this feeling has been less intense for over a
week now.

When I first got up today I needed to steady myself by holding onto walls
and furniture when walking.  This continued for nearly 2 hrs but is no
longer present.  Gratefully the vertigo's become more manageable within
the last month, not so intense.

Quite frequently the vertigo also affects my focus and concentration.
Even when sitting or not moving, I can feel as though I'm working
overtime to put 2 sentences together.  This is a daily thing when vertigo
is present.  I feel like a rag doll, just totally depleted, as wavelike
sensations in my head come and go throughout the course of most days.
With each successive episode, I become increasingly washed out.  It's as
though my body can never fully recover.

Periodic triggers for the vertigo -

... occasionally when at the computer
... sometimes when sneezing
... always when getting up from bed in the morning
... at times with regular/natural eye movements or head movements
... increasingly when driving
... any downward (or stooping) motion, particularly throughout mornings
... less frequently - w/extra loud sounds or very bright lights,
including sunlight
... at times when walking/reversing direction

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