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Re: Chris & Marnie (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 14:19:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kathleen <http://profiles.yahoo.com/kathleen>
To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
Subject: Re: Chris & Marnie

  did barack write back yet ??? :):)
i'm so glad you wrote him -- even with all the rampant discontent, it's really
  good to hear that people are engaging w/the white house again.  i really 
  that, although it'll take a while, things will be okay again.  i don't 
  we'll ever be able to "go back" -- since the world has changed, and continues
  to change, so dramatically -- but i think we're FINALLY on the right track,
  with quite the "runner" representing us on it (thank God).  do you see some
  light at the end of the tunnel somewhere w/your work situation?

i really like your co-housing idea...i've been thinking about it ever since you
  guys told me about what you're wanting to do. i believe it's definitly the 
  of the future, and sooooo so smart.  man, i really wish you guys could move
  HERE --- we could do a beautiful place!!!  (there is this great deal [600k] 
  a 4-lot property up here: 2 houses, 2 cabins, and 10 or 11 studios -- plus a
  gorgeous frikkin' pool, a large, screened-in jacuzzi, and some ridge-line
  views of Lily Rock.  I mean, my GOD almighty.  it's the-inn-formerly-known-as
  Fern Valley Inn, and the owner pretty much had to walk away from it after his
  divorce in order to be near his kids.  I get that it's tricky for
  inn-situations right now - especially for that one, as it's in a higher-end
  residential area a mile or so from town so potential customers never see it
  unless they're lost or specifically looking for it, but hot-DAMN it would be 
  gRRRReat co-housing setup. (so, juuuust in case, i
  keep buying my weekly lotto tickets :):)!!!

how did the overall visit go w/chris & marnie? were you and robert able to take
  some time off from work and do some gang-activities around SJ / SF ??

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg> wrote:

> From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
> Subject: Re: Chris & Marnie
> To: "Kathleen" <http://profiles.yahoo.com/kathleen>
> Date: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 6:46 PM
> On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, Kathleen wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 19:16:32 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Kathleen <http://profiles.yahoo.com/kathleen>
> > To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
> > 
> >  HAH !!!  that chris story is soooo funny !!!
> > 
> > sorry marnie had some trouble, and hope the visit is going well. please say hi
> >  to the gang, and hopefully i can get up there ot get you guys back here again
> >  sometime.
> > 
> > how are you feeling these days miss??
> I am still frustrated at work. At least at our last coders
> meeting the director said we need more help(no, not hire a
> new one, but get a contractor to help). this was after an
> audit found our accuracy rate has been going down.
> I wrote a note to Obama about health insurance reform, also
> electronic medical records(open source, not for profit, gee
> that would save money). I don't know how they can do real
> reform with the for-profit insurance companies lobbying,it
> has to be better than the Medicare drug benefit program. I
> wonder if we can improve all the problems we have in the
> USA.(i like http://www.econowhiner.com )
> With the economy the way it is it's harder to leave the job
> I have.
> Me & R are trying to get local people interested in
> cohousing(we talked about this when we saw you).With the
> economy the way it is, it would be good to have supportive
> neighbor relationships, not have to rely on family only. At
> our last meeting we met some gay guys who are interested in
> cohousing and have been working on this in SJ. But then with
> the economy the way it is you wonder who would want to put
> money into this(home prices are down 40% from last year,
> though).
> so anyway, still not content!
> How's everything with you?
> NG

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