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FW: Help Prevent Censorship at where-I-live Libraries!

 > Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 00:52:54 GMT
 > From: "Planned Parenthood Mar Monte" <http://www.ppmarmonte.org/~publicaffairs>
 > Right now, access to sexual health information at the San José
 > Public Library system is under attack.
 > Make your voice heard by emailing your City Council member and
 > Mayor Reed!
 > The San José City Council is considering whether to install
 > blocking software on library computers and endanger access to
 > important information about healthcare and sexuality. This
 > proposal could potentially block teens', and others', ability to
 > learn vital information about contraceptives, puberty, breast
 > cancer, and other topics related to reproductive health.
 > Please tell the San José City Council and the Mayor that library
 > Internet access must not be censored. 
 > -Email Mayor Reed and District 3 Councilman Sam Liccardo at
 > http://www.where-I-live.gov/~mayoremail and http://www.where-I-live.gov/~District3 to oppose
 > Library Censorship.
 > -We have prepared a draft email message below which you can
 > customize and send!
 > Let the Mayor and City Council know that our libraries should be
 > places for people to access the information they need to be
 > healthy.
 > Studies show that Internet filters used to block access to
 > pornography websites can often also block access to websites
 > with health information, especially sexual health. One study by
 > the San José Public Library revealed that such software blocked
 > access to items in the library's own health and wellness
 > databases and its online encyclopedia. If the City Council
 > approves the plan to place filters on our public library
 > computers, people could lose access to vital health information,
 > including information on STDs and birth control options.
 > Please protect our access to important information on our
 > health. Send an email to the Mayor and City Council today.
 > For more information about library Internet censorship, please
 > visit http://www.ppaction.org/ct/B1qfVcM1FU2R/.
 > Sincerely,
 > Christina Lokke
 > Public Affairs Director, Silicon Valley
 > Planned Parenthood Mar Monte
 > Sample Email Draft:
 > Dear Decisionmaker (Mayor Reed, City Council member),
 > I count on the San José Libraries as a resource for important
 > information, like my health. Millions of San José residents like
 > me also rely on the library Internet for learning and research. 
 > I ask that you ensure everyone continues to have this access in
 > our libraries by opposing any plans to install blocking software
 > on library computers.
 > Our libraries are safe places to learn, research, read and
 > discover. Research has shown that Internet filters used to block
 > access to pornography websites can often also block access to
 > websites with health information, especially sexual health. This
 > access is especially important for teens and young adults who
 > use the public libraries to find information about their bodies
 > and their health. For example, a recent study found that
 > filtering software improperly blocks access to sites as diverse
 > as the American Urological Association, Victims of Pornography
 > (an anti-pornography support group) and PFLAG (Parents, Families
 > and Friends of Lesbians and Gays -- a LGBT support and advocacy
 > group). The software also blocked access to items in the
 > library's health and wellness databases.
 > Internet use at San José libraries is very high, and problems
 > associated with Internet content are extremely rare. There were
 > only 13 formal complaints from patrons from throughout the
 > entire library system last year. Any limited problems can, and
 > should, be properly dealt with by the use of privacy screens,
 > recessed seating, and the continued work of staff to enforce
 > library rules. Censoring Internet access in the libraries is not
 > the right path. 
 > The inability to access websites and other important resources
 > at the public library will particularly impact youth and
 > low-income community members, who often do not have other
 > alternatives for Internet access. 
 > Please do not restrict our access to important information.
 > Libraries are meant to be a place of learning. Please oppose any
 > plans to censor Internet access in the library by installing
 > Internet blocking software.
 > Sincerely, 
 > Name
 > Address
 > Library I use most:
 > --------------------------------------------------
 > If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for
 > Planned Parenthood Mar Monte at:
 > http://www.ppaction.org/ppmm/join.html?r=rdqfVcMqG75eE

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