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FW: Your Apple Online Support Experience

 > From: "Apple" <http://www.apple.com/~web_services_feedback>
 > Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 11:14:23 -0500 (CDT)
 > Dear Apple Customer:
 > Recently, you contacted Apple support using Apple's online web
 > support form.  We're very interested in getting your feedback
 > regarding your support experience.
 > If you have a moment, we hope that you'll take our support
 > survey. The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. To
 > get started, simply click on this web address or copy and paste the
 > entire URL into the address field of your web browser.
 > http://abs.apple.com/ssurvey/survey.html?id=66D9213
 > The information you provide will be used to improve our product
 > support and future offerings.  We will not use information collected
 > via this survey to sell you products or services.  If you have
 > additional questions about how Apple will use this data, please
 > consult Apple's privacy policy at
 > http://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/.
 > We know you're very busy and we appreciate the time you take to give
 > us your thoughts and suggestions.
 > Sincerely, 
 > The Apple Online Support Team
 > Note: We are unable to respond to messages sent to this survey e-mail
 > account.  Please call AppleCare, visit Apple's support website, or
 > visit an Apple Retail Store if you require further assistance.

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